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ng. Ñóïåðñîîðóæåíèÿ. Òåõíèêà äëÿ ñïàñåíèÿ (megastructures. escape tech) NG., Ñóïåðñîîðóæåíèÿ., Òåõíèêà, äëÿ, ñïàñåíèÿ, (Megastructures., Escape, Tech)
Ãîä âûõîäà: 2003-2007 - Æàíð: Äîêóìåíòàëüíûé - Âûïóùåíî: National Geographic - Îïèñàíèå: Ñî âðåìåí âåëèêèõ ïèðàìèä, ñòðîèòåëüñòâî áûëî îäíèì èç ñàìûõ îïàñíûõ çàíÿòèé íà çåìëå. Ïîñåòèòå íîâóþ òðåíèðîâî÷íóþ ïëîùàäêó â Òåõàñå, ãäå ðàáî÷èå ó÷àòñÿ ïîâåäåíèþ âàâàðèéíûõ ñèòóàöèÿõ.


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